NIPT Test for pregnant women

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NIPT Test for pregnant women

 It is Non-invasive prenatal testing for early detection of genetic abnormalities in your fetus

NIPT test for:

 ▪️The sex of the baby

 ▪️chromosomal trisomies cases:

  • Down's syndrome

  • Edward syndrome 

  • Patau syndrome

 ▪️Sex chromosomal imbalances cases:

  • Turner syndrome (45,x) 

  • Klinefelter syndrome (xxy) 

  • xxx syndrome 

  • xyy syndrome 

Advantages of NIPT test:

  •  A blood sample is drawn from the mother's vein. 

  • 100% safe  for mother and baby

  • It is performed  between weeks 10 to 13  of pregnancy 

  • Accuracy of results up to 99% Results appear within two weeks


This test doesn't require fasting